method ReadableBase.prototype.reduce
Usage in Deno
import { ReadableBase } from "node:stream";
ReadableBase.prototype.reduce<T = any>(): Promise<T>
This method calls fn on each chunk of the stream in order, passing it the result from the calculation on the previous element. It returns a promise for the final value of the reduction.
If no initial value is supplied the first chunk of the stream is used as the initial value.
If the stream is empty, the promise is rejected with a TypeError
code property.
The reducer function iterates the stream element-by-element which means that there is no concurrency parameter
or parallelism. To perform a reduce concurrently, you can extract the async function to
fn: () => T
a reducer function to call over every chunk in the stream. Async or not.
options: Pick<ArrayOptions, "signal">
a promise for the final value of the reduction.
ReadableBase.prototype.reduce<T = any>(): Promise<T>